“Your camera takes great photos!!”

We have all gotten comments at some point where people think they are complimenting us, but it actually isn’t a compliment. This is the holy grail compliment that photographers dread, “Wow your camera takes great photos!” *eye roll*

Obviously expensive gear performs well, but the PHOTOGRAPHER takes great photos, not the camera. There are many analogies of what this would sound like if you complimented others the same way:

  • Wow that pan makes really great food! 

  • She sounds so good! Must be a really great microphone.

  • That brush created such an amazing painting!

  • Those shoes are so fast!

I’m sure Gordon Ramsey has pricey cookware that is specifically made for various cooking activities and that Ariana Grande has great sound techs and that Usain Bolt has a favorite pair of sneakers that have better traits than a pair of Converse. All of these stars use professional equipment, but undoubtedly have talent regardless of their gear. Ariana sounds great without a microphone and Usain Bolt can outrun almost anyone without his go-to shoes. Good photographers are just like any other person that is a master of their craft. It sounds silly if you were to compliment a chef, athlete, or singer solely for their equipment, so follow suit with photographers and pay credit where credit is due.

Kristen Lucero

your fav pittsburgh photog a.k.a @kristen.jpeg on insta


Why do photographers charge so much?


I’m a blogger now!